
About TBPL

Tanzania Biotech Products Limited is the unique Manufacturer of Biolarvicides and Biopesticides in Africa

Tanzania Biotech Products Limited (TBPL) was established in 2015.

As a subsidiary company of National Development Corporation (NDC) whereby Tanzania Government is the main shareholder. The plant is located along TAMCO Industrial Estate at Kibaha, Pwani Region. Tanzania Biotech Products Limited is the producer of Biolarvicides and Biopesticides commercially known as BACTIVE,GRISELESF® and THURISAVE-24 in Africa .

It’s a modern technology of fight against the malaria vector while preventing natural resources.

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9 +

years of Experience

Our Products

We Produce Biolarvicides and Biopesticides

TBPL is producing two types of Biolarvicides products,and one Biopesticide commercially known as Bactivec®, Griselesf® and Thurisave-24. These products have been effectively used in different parts of the world apart from Tanzania and Africa, others are Latin America and Asia. They have been used to successfully combat disease-bearing mosquitoes both preventively and as parts of integrated control programmes. They have also proved useful in epidemics of serious illnesses such as Yellow Fever, Dengue, Malaria, Human Filariasis, various types of Encephalitis and Onchocerciasis or River Blindness. They are also used to control infestations of other species of blood feeding diptera, whose bites cause discomfort to man both in communities and tourist areas It’s a modern technology of fight against the malaria vector while preventing natural resources.


Bactivec® is produced using bacterial strains called Bacillus thuringiensis serotype H-14, strain266/2

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Griselesf® respectively is produced using bacterial strains called Bacillus sphaericus strain 2362.

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Thurisave-24 is produced using bacterial strains called Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki

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Photo by Inside Weather

Why Biolarvicides?

It’s a modern technology of fight against the malaria vector while preventing natural resources.

The products are environmental friendly and highly specific for Mosquito larvae.

Highly effective control of the larvae of different species of mosquito in urban, rural, industrial and tourist development areas, and under the most varied climates and application conditions;

Totally harmless effects on other animal and plant species present in the various aquatic habitats where mosquitoes develop

Effective integration with environmental health programmes to control diseases transmitted to man by mosquitoes.

Just one application kills mosquito larvae in stages I-III and the beginning of stage IV, through ingestion.

Some Important FAQ's

Common Frequently Asked Questions

A: Microbial larviciding has several advantages over chemical adulticides.First,Biolarvicides target Mosquito larvae living in confined breeding habitats, so the effectiveness is not influenced by the changing biting and resting behaviours of adult mosquitoes.

A: Microbial larvicides are currently considered the safest biological insecticides for the health of humans and other non-target organisms

A: It is recommended to apply Thurisave-24 early in the morning or late evening.It can also be applied as soon as there is presence of lepidopteran larvae.

A: No evidence of any poisonous, infectious or disease-causing effects were found. In inhalation tests with Btk, there were no mortalities and the Btk was shown to have a low pathogenic potential. Feeding, skin, breathing, and eye irritation animal studies were also carried out with Thurisave-24. No toxic effects were seen when significant quantities of Thurisave-24 were fed or inhaled.

A: The Btk in Thurisave-24 has been tested against mammals, birds and other insects. In all cases, when Thurisave-24 was tested at doses far in excess of the levels to which these organisms would be exposed during a routine forestry or urban tree spray program, no harmful effects were observed.

A: You can Visit the Manufacturing facility situated at Tamco Industrial area in Kibaha, Coast Region and purchase the products or you can contact us through +255 733 770 770,+255 768 720 770,+255 672 770 770 and discuss with customer care service the best and possible way of reaching you.